I./ Media training
- These courses provide an overall understanding of the nature, structure and methodology of Hungarian and international media.
- Participants prepare for appearing in print, electronic and new media successfully using personal development techniques.
- Through simulating media situations, participants learn how to use the techniques learnt at the training and as a result they understand basic media genres.
- Training takes place in a TV studio, where participants can watch the recorded version of their own performance and try as many times as they need in order to reach the best results.
II./ Action training
II./a./ Pro-active communications training
- This training can be helpful when a company prepares for a special event or takes a new step and has to react to the increased interest of the media wisely.
- We choose the most competent person for every case - for interviews, press conferences and presentations.
- We practice for specific topics in different genres and situations.
II./b./ Crisis communications training
- We offer this training when crisis occurs or seems unavoidable. Following the media minute by minute and reacting to the published material is crucial in the case of crisis.
- Preparing crisis communications strategy and plan (systemizing already existing media relations and setting up new ones due to crisis); arranging standard press material (press releases, statements, etc.)
- Based on previous media training designating the spokesperson of crisis and additional training for him/her
- Preparing for planned or expected media appearance, designating a person for each one of them and further training
- Controlling the press team of the crisis center (information firewall, developing and operating an internal communications net, establishing Early Warning and Feedback System)
We provide training I./ and II./a. in the following structures:
- one-to-one training 1x6 hours in a TV studio
- small group (maximum 6 persons) training, 1x8 hours, in a TV studio or other location with our mobile TV studio and presentation equipment
- large groups (maximum 12 persons) training, 2x8 hours, in a TV studio - or other location with our mobile TV studio and presentation equipment
Training II./b. can be used for an intensive preparation for crisis or an overall involvement in managing the already occurred crisis. Depending on which the situation is it can be 1-2 days or a longer period of time.
Training consists of different modules. These modules can be customized based on the final goal of the training. This way we can develop a course uniquely for your needs.
1. module: Self awareness exercises – self concept, role-playing
2. module: “That’s how YOU write” – case studies, presentations
3. module: “That’s how WE write” – introducing media exercises
4. module: “The sound of silence” – question and answer techniques
5. module: Print interview
6. module: Radio interview
7. module: TV interview
8. module: Feedback – analyzing together
9. module: Statement – practicing for TV News
10. module: The great failure – case study
11. module: The great victory – case study
12. module: Crossfire – practicing for TV News Magazine
13. module: Press conference – simulation exercise
14. module: Crisis study – presentation
15. module: Crisis modeling – simulation exercise
16. module: Strategy and media plan in crisis situation – simulation exercise
17. module: Sound bites – training for spokesperson
18. module: Crisis interviews
19. module: Early Warning and Feedback System – planning and operating the net
Media training: Modules 1-9, one-to-one or small group, basic media communications training
Action training:
Pro-active: Modules 1-9, 12, 13 – one-to-one or small group, intensive training
Crisis Communications: Modules 1-19, modules 9, 12, 17 repeatedly